Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!!

And I'm back with a vengeance. Stay tuned for daily updates. And apologies for the extra long break during the holidays...I needed to unplug.

So, to catch you up on some of the greatest albums of last year, here are some year-end "best of" lists to tune you in to what you might have missd in 2005:

Rolling Stone's top 50 albums

Pitchfork's top 50 singles & top 50 albums

PopMatters Picks: The Best Music of 2005

BBC's "Collective" lists top 2005 records

Top 25 from tiny mix tapes (and this is one of the coolest sites out there)

Another topic of note:

Make your own podcast! Tutorial from Webmonkey

And in case you completely missed it...

SNL Narnia rap-skit - better than actual rap?